History of firefighting equipment

The development of fire trucks has always responded to the changing requirements of fire tactics. It adapted flexibly, for example, to the requirements for the use of new extinguishing agents. For example, after 1931, when a new type of fire extinguisher was introduced to the general public for the first time. It was a certain breakthrough in its time, the fire extinguisher was the so-called air foam, later evaluated as mechanical. The tradition of fire car production in our country dates back to the beginning of the 20th century and copies many times very famous, sometimes only average periods of car production in our country. Throughout this century, manufacturers have offered firefighting equipment at a good technical and tactical level. Let us recall, for example, a fire truck from the post-war Czechoslovak mass production. Popular fire trucks on PRAGA RN chassis changed the generation of TATRA 805 cars, later came off-road chassis PRAGA V3S, TATRA 138 and 148, ŠKODA 706 with front-wheel drive can still be seen in fire protection units. We must not forget the mass-produced transport car on the AVIA 30 and 31 chassis.


The current production of fire trucks is based on the offer of TATRA 815 or LIAZ domestic chassis (now again under the ŠKODA brand) and the increasingly popular PRAGA off-road chassis.